Thursday, March 20, 2008

Best grilled cheese ever

I haven't updated in a while probably because pregnancy has be living on bland, boring foods. I am finally interested in fruits and vegetables again which is a relief after months of Nilla Wafers, yogurt, cereal (all of which I can't quite stomach now) and then moving on to the transitional cucumbers!

But, now, back to real food, 8 times over!
Ok, I didn't have a camera, but Sunsinger has the world's best grilled cheese and something that could easily be duplicated at home.

Thick white bread, obviously toasted with a bit of butter
gruyere cheese maybe? Something melty and delicious
thinly sliced green apples
fig preserves.

SO good. Seriously, apples and cheese with figs? Wonderful. In another week and a half we are finally going to finish up the kitchen. It's been like 7 months, but I guess I get a pass since I was so sick during 3 of them. But seven months? That's a little pathetic.

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