Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Very Mild Pad Thai

So I had pictures and everything, but my laptop crashed. Bummer!

I have been craving Pad Thai for a while, but I am still having pretty major aversions to all things salty and spicy, so I mad the most bland Pad Thai ever created. In good news, somehow cilantro tastes better than ever before!

Bland Pad Thai:

~8 oz rice noodles, soaked in warm water for 20-30 minutes
1/3 cup peanuts, coarsely chopped
1/3 cup lime juice
1/3 cup fish sauce (I used water because I can't handle salt!!)
2 T or so sugar
3 or so green onions
cilantro, a handful maybe. or less if it tastes like soap
3 eggs.
2 cloves of garlic, chopped
a few pinches of red pepper flakes
some olive oil
2 cups bean sprouts

1-Saute the garlic on the stove until cooked, add red pepper flakes
2-Drop in 3 eggs and scramble for about 20 seconds
3-Add all of the noodles and cook for 2-3 minutes
4-Add the sugar and liquids and cook for another minute
5-Add half of the green onions, bean sprouts, cilantro and peanuts and cook for a minute
6-remove from heat and add the rest of the bean sprouts, cilantro, peanuts and green onions

So good and so plain!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Avocado Soup

There are no pictures of the finish soup because I kept on eating it while I was making it, it was that good! (and super easy!)

2 avocados
milk or soymilk
green onions

Mash up the avocados, add milk until you get the right texture-- I added probably about a cup of milk, then add salt, pepper and a chopped up green onion. I'm sure other vegetables would be great in this as well. I put what I had left in the fridge for a half hour and then ate it all!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Kitchen renovations part 3

This weekend we worked on putting up the glass tiles in our kitchen. We got the tiles applied to the wall, so now we just need to put in the grout which will be white and the caulk. It makes the kitchen seem a lot more finished. A lot of work though, ate up most of the weekend!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Best grilled cheese ever

I haven't updated in a while probably because pregnancy has be living on bland, boring foods. I am finally interested in fruits and vegetables again which is a relief after months of Nilla Wafers, yogurt, cereal (all of which I can't quite stomach now) and then moving on to the transitional cucumbers!

But, now, back to real food, 8 times over!
Ok, I didn't have a camera, but Sunsinger has the world's best grilled cheese and something that could easily be duplicated at home.

Thick white bread, obviously toasted with a bit of butter
gruyere cheese maybe? Something melty and delicious
thinly sliced green apples
fig preserves.

SO good. Seriously, apples and cheese with figs? Wonderful. In another week and a half we are finally going to finish up the kitchen. It's been like 7 months, but I guess I get a pass since I was so sick during 3 of them. But seven months? That's a little pathetic.